Curriculum Vitae
Rikkyo University
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence and Science
3-34-1 Nishi-Ikebukuro, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-8501, Japan
email: masada (a)
Primary Research Interests
Text Mining, Data Mining, Bayesian Methods,
Information Retrieval, Machine Learning
Oct. 2001 - Sep. 2004
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Department of Information and Communication Engineering,
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Apr. 1999 - Sep. 1999
Doctor candidate
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Department of History and Philosophy of Science,
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Apr. 1996 - March 1999
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Department of History and Philosophy of Science,
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
Apr. 1995 - March. 1996
Non-degree Research Student (for graduate school exam preparation)
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
College of Arts and Sciences, Senior Division
Apr. 1993 - March 1995
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Department of Information Science,
Faculty of Science
Apr. 1989 - March 1993
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
Department of Information Science,
Faculty of Science
Apr. 1983 - March 1989
Nada Junior and Senior High School, Kobe
Honors and Awards
June 2011
ICEIS 2011 Excellent Paper Award
[ Two papers were chosen from 57 full papers. ]
May 2005
IPSJ Best Paper Award (Ronbun Sho), Information Processing Society of Japan
[ Eight papers were chosen from 490 nominees. ]
Professional Experience
Apr. 2020 - now
Rikkyo University, Tokyo
Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence and Science
Apr. 2012 - March 2020
Nagasaki University, Nagasaki
Associate Professor
Computer and Information Science Program,
Graduate School of Engineering
May 2008 - March 2012
Nagasaki University, Nagasaki
Tenure-track Assistant Professor
Department of Computer and Information Sciences,
Faculty of Engineering
March 2007 - Apr. 2008
Nagasaki University, Nagasaki
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer and Information Sciences,
Faculty of Engineering
Oct. 2004 - Feb. 2007
National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo
Research Associate
Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division
Oct. 2001 - Sep. 2004
National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo
Research Assistant
Digital Content and Media Sciences Research Division
Funded Proposals
Apr. 2021 - March 2024
Topic models bridging between documents as members composing a corpus and documents as sequences composed by words
Principal Investigator
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS):
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No. 21K12017
1,820,000JPY (in 2018), 1,820,000JPY (in 2019), 390,000JPY (in 2020)
Apr. 2018 - March 2021
Research on the effectiveness of using RNN in topic models
Principal Investigator
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS):
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No. 18K11440
1,950,000JPY (in 2018), 1,950,000JPY (in 2019), 520,000JPY (in 2020)
Apr. 2015 - March 2017
A Study on Digital Library System for Experimental Information Extraction, Visualization and Recommendation
Co-Investigator [Principal Investigator: Atsuhiro Takasu]
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS):
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), No. 15H02789
Share of the grant-in-aid: 400,000JPY (in 2015)
Apr. 2014 - March 2017
Tiny data mining: reconstruction of large scale data with probability distributions as bases
Principal Investigator
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS):
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No. 26330256
2,000,000JPY (in 2014), 1,200,000JPY (in 2015), 500,000JPY (in 2016)
Apr. 2014 - March 2015
Reconstruction of multinomial distributions in topic models for exploring document metadata
Principal Investigator [Co-Investigator: Atsuhiro Takasu]
Joint Research with National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Apr. 2011 - March 2014
A Study on Information Alignment by Composite Generative Model
Co-Investigator (kenkyu-buntansha) [Principal Investigator: Atsuhiro Takasu]
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS):
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B), No. 23300040
Share of the grant-in-aid: 500,000JPY (in 2011), 500,000JPY (in 2012)
Apr. 2013 - March 2014
A Study on Topic Models for Extracting Relationship between Latent Topics as Difference between Word Distributions
Principal Investigator [Co-Investigator: A. Takasu]
Joint Research with National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Apr. 2012 - March 2013
Finding Topic Diversity with Topic Models
Principal Investigator [Co-Investigator: A. Takasu]
Joint Research with National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Apr. 2010 - March 2012
Information Navigation using Statistical Rhymes
Principal Investigator
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS):
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) ("WAKATE (B)"), No. 22700150
2,600,000JPY (in 2010), 500,000JPY (in 2011)
Apr. 2011 - March 2012
Bayesian Topic Modeling Based on Substring Frequencies
Principal Investigator [Co-Investigator: A. Takasu]
Joint Research with National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Apr. 2010 - March 2011
Connecting Various Text Information by Using External Knowledge
Principal Investigator [Co-Investigators: A. Takasu, D. Fukagawa]
Joint Research with National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Apr. 2009 - March 2010
Introducing Temporarity into Document and Word Similarities Evaluation
via Multi-topic Models Using Document Timestamps
Principal Investigator [Co-Investigators: A. Takasu, D. Fukagawa]
Joint Research with National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Apr. 2008 - March 2009
Analyzing Outstanding Topical Trends
via Multi-topic Models Using Document Timestamps
Principal Investigator [Co-Investigator: A. Takasu]
Joint Research with National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Courses Taught
Spring semester 2020 ~
Statistical Modeling 2 (Rikkyo University) [100 mins per week]
Spring semester 2020 ~
Seminar on Machine Learning (Rikkyo University) [200 mins per week]
Autumn semester 2020 ~
Statistical Modeling 1 (Rikkyo University) [100 mins per week]
Autumn semester 2020 ~
Special Seminar on Natural Language Processing (Rikkyo University) [100 mins per week]
Summer semester 2014 ~ 2019
Advanced Data Mining (Nagasaki University) [1.5hrs per week]
Summer semester 2015 ~ 2019
Advanced Date Mining Applications (Nagasaki University) [1.5hrs per week, in English]
Winter semester 2007 ~ 2019
Data Structures and Algorithms (Nagasaki University) [1.5hrs per week]
Winter semester 2012 ~ 2019
Programming III (Nagasaki University) [3hrs per week]
Summer semester 2012 ~ 2019
Graph Theory and Optimization (Nagasaki University) [1.5hrs per week]
Summer semester 2012
Technical English C (Nagasaki University) [1.5hrs per week]
Summer semester 2007
Experiments in Information Engineering (Nagasaki University) [3hrs per week]
Work Experience
Oct. 1999 - Sep. 2001
Fuji Photo Optical Co., Ltd., Saitama
Optical Design Department
Responsible for designing optical lens of compact 35mm film cameras.
Other Activities
Apr. 2007 - March 2011
Editor for IPSJ Transactions on Database
Program committee member for ADMA 2014
Program committee member for ADMA 2013
Program committee member for ADMA 2012
Program committee member for ADMA 2011
Guest reviewer for ACM Transactions on Information Systems
Guest reviewer for IPSJ Journal of Information Processing
Guest reviewer for IPSJ Transactions on Database
Guest reviewer for IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Guest reviewer for Transactions of Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Session chair in ISNN 2013, ICEIS 2011, ISNN 2010, and INFOSCALE 2007
Peer-reviewed Conference/Workshop Papers
42. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu.
Mini-Batch Variational Inference for Time-Aware Topic Modeling.
in Proc. of PRICAI 2018, pp. 156 - 164, August 2018.
41. Tomonari Masada.
Document Modeling with Implicit Approximate Posterior Distributions.
in Proc. of ICDPA 2018, pp. 45 - 48, May 2018.
40. Tomonari Masada.
Estimating Word Probabilities with Neural Networks in Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
in Proc. of PAKDD 2017 Workshops, pp. 129 - 137, May 2017.
39. Yuzana Win, Tomonari Masada.
Extraction of proper names from myanmar text using latent dirichlet allocation.
in Proc. of TAAI 2016, pp. 96 - 103, November 2016.
38. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu.
A Simple Stochastic Gradient Variational Bayes for the Correlated Topic Model.
in Proc. of APWeb 2016, pp. 424 - 428, September 2016.
37. Yuzana Win, Tomonari Masada.
Exploring OOV Words from Myanmar Text Using Maximal Substrings.
in Proc. of IIAI-AAI 2016, pp. 657 - 663, July 2016.
36. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu.
A Simple Stochastic Gradient Variational Bayes for Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
in Proc. of ICCSA 2016, pp. 232 - 245, July 2016.
35. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu.
Traffic Speed Data Investigation with Hierarchical Modeling.
in Proc. of FDSE 2015, pp. 123 - 134, November 2015.
[long paper (26.1%; 20 long papers + 3 short papers / 88 submissions)]
34. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu.
Heuristic Pretraining for Topic Models.
in Proc. of IEA/AIE 2015, pp. 351 - 360, June 2015.
[long paper]
33. Yuzana Win, Tomonari Masada.
Exploring Technical Phrase Frames from Research Paper Titles.
in Proc. of MAW15, pp. 558 - 563, March 2015.
32. Bin Shen, Tomonari Masada.
Explaining prices by linking data: A pilot study on spatial regression analysis of apartment rents.
in Proc. of GCCE 2014, pp. 188 - 189, October 2014.
[poster paper]
31. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu.
ChronoSAGE: Diversifying Topic Modeling Chronologically.
in Proc. of WAIM 2014, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8485, pp. 476 - 479, June 2014.
[short paper (39%; 48 long papers + 32 short papers / 204 submissions)]
30. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu.
A Topic Model for Traffic Speed Data Analysis.
in Proc. of IEA-AIE 2014, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8482, pp. 68 - 77, June 2014.
[long paper (36%; 106 papers / 294 submissions)]
29. Tin Huynh, Atsuhiro Takasu, Tomonari Masada, Kiem Hoang.
Collaborator Recommendation for Isolated Researchers.
in Proc. of MAW14, pp. 639 - 644, May 2014.
28. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu.
Three-Way Nonparametric Bayesian Clustering for Handwritten Digit Image Classification.
in Proc. of ICONIP 2013, LNCS 8228, pp.149-156, 2013.
27. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu.
A Revised Inference for Correlated Topic Model.
in Proc. of ISNN 2013, LNCS 7952, pp.445-454, 2013.
26. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu.
Trimming Prototypes of Handwritten Digit Images with Subset Infinite Relational Model.
in Proc. of MUE 2013, LNEE 240, pp.129-134, 2013.
25. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu.
Extraction of Topic Evolutions from References in Scientific Articles and Its GPU Acceleration.
in Proc. of CIKM 2012, pp.1522-1526, 2012.
[short paper (27.8%; 146 full papers and 156 short papers / 1,088 submissions)]
24. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri.
Clustering Documents with Maximal Substrings.
LNBIP 102, pp.19-34, 2012.
23. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri.
Semi-supervised Bibliographic Element Segmentation with Latent Permutations.
in Proc. of ICADL 2011, LNCS 7008, pp.60-69, 2011.
[full paper (25%; 34 full papers / 136 submissions)]
22. Tomonari Masada, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri.
Documents as a Bag of Maximal Substrings: An Unsupervised Feature Extraction for Document Clustering.
in Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2011), pp.5-13, June 2011.
[full paper (14.2%; 57 full papers / 402 submissions)]
Excellent Paper Award (2 papers / 57 full papers)
21. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri.
Steering Time-Dependent Estimation of Posteriors with Hyperparameter Indexing in Bayesian Topic Models.
in Proc. of the 15th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2011),
LNAI 6634, Part I, pp.435-447, May 2011.
[long presentation (9.7% long presentation, 17.5% short presentation)]
20. Tomonari Masada, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri.
Infinite Latent Process Decomposition.
in the Workshop Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBMW 2010), pp.810-811,
December 2010. [poster paper]
19. Tomonari Masada, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri.
Unsupervised Segmentation of Bibliographic Elements with Latent Permutations.
in Proc. of the 1st International Workshop on Web Intelligent Systems and Services (WISS 2010),
LNCS 6724, pp. 254-267, December 2010. [direct acceptance]
18. Tomonari Masada, Daiji Fukagawa, Atsuhiro Takasu, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri.
Modeling Topical Trends over Continuous Time with Priors.
in Proc. of the seventh International Symposium on Neural Networks (ISNN 2010),
LNCS 6064, pp.302-311, June 2010.
[full paper (38.7%; 229 full papers / 591 submissions)]
17. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Daiji Fukagawa, Tsuyoshi Hamada, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri.
Dynamic Hyperparameter Optimization for Bayesian Topical Trend Analysis.
in Proc. of the 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2009),
pp.1831-1834, Nov. 2009.
[short paper (34.7%; 123 full and 171 short papers / 847 submissions)]
16. Tomonari Masada, Tsuyoshi Hamada, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri.
Bayesian Multi-topic Microarray Analysis with Hyperparameter Reestimation.
in Proc. of the fifth International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications
(ADMA 2009), LNAI 5678, pp.253-264, Aug. 2009.
[full paper (12.1%; 39 full and 53 short papers / 322 submissions)]
15. Tomonari Masada, Tsuyoshi Hamada, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri.
Accelerating Collapsed Variational Bayesian Inference for Latent Dirichlet Allocation with Nvidia CUDA compatible devices.
in Proc. of the 22nd International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems
(IEA/AIE 2009), LNAI 5579, pp.491-500, June 2009.
[regular paper (29.3%; 84 regular and 52 short papers / 286 submissions)]
14. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Tsuyoshi Hamada, Yuichiro Shibata, Kiyoshi Oguri.
Bag of Timestamps: A Simple and Efficient Bayesian Chronological Mining.
in Proc. of the Joint International Conferences on Asia-Pacific Web Conference and
Web-Age Information Management (APWeb/WAIM 2009), LNCS 5446, pp.556-561, Apr. 2009.
[short paper (36.0%; 42 full and 26 short papers / 189 submissions)]
13. Tomonari Masada, Senya Kiyasu, Sueharu Miyahara.
Unmixed Spectrum Clustering for Template Composition in Lung Sound Classification.
in Proc. of the 12th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
(PAKDD 2008), LNCS 5012, pp.964-969, May 2008.
[short paper (36.2%; 37 long, 40 regular and 36 short papers / 312 submissions)]
12. Tomonari Masada, Senya Kiyasu, Sueharu Miyahara.
Comparing LDA with pLSI as a Dimensionality Reduction Method in Document Clustering.
in Proc. of the Third International Conference on Large-Scale Knowledge Resources (LKR 2008),
LNAI 4938, pp. 13-26, March 2008.
[regular paper (36.8%; 14 regular and 12 poster papers / 38 submissions)]
11. Tomonari Masada, Senya Kiyasu, Sueharu Miyahara.
Clustering Images with Multinomial Mixture Models.
in Proc. of the Eighth International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent System (ISIS 2007), Sep. 2007.
10. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
Citation Data Clustering for Author Name Disambiguation.
in Proc. of the Second International Conference on Scalable Information Systems (INFOSCALE 2007), June 2007.
[full paper (16.0%; 41 full, 27 short and 41 work-in-progress papers / 256 submissions)]
9. Hiromi Wakaki, Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
Query Refinement based on Topical Term Clustering.
in Proc. of the Eighth Conference of RIAO (Recherche d'Information Assistee par Ordinateur),
May & June 2007.
[posters (acceptance rate 33%)]
8. Quang Minh Vu, Tomonari Masada, Atsushiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
Using Web Directories for Similarity Measurement in Personal Name Disambiguation.
in Proc. of the 21st International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops (AINAW'07),
Vol.1, pp.379-384, May 2007.
[full paper (38%; 22 / 58 submissions)]
7. Quang Minh Vu, Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
Disambiguation of People in Web Search Using a Knowledge Base.
in Proc. of 2007 IEEE International Conference on Research, Innovation and Vision for the Future
(IEEE RIVF'07), pp.185-191, March 2007.
6. Quang Minh Vu, Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
Using a Knowledge Base to Disambiguate Personal Name in Web Search Results.
in Proc. of the 22nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2007), pp.839-843, March 2007.
[full paper (32.5% across all tracks; 256 / 786 submissions)]
5. Hiromi Wakaki, Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
A New Measure for Query Disambiguation Using Term Co-occurrences.
in Proc. of the Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2006),
LNCS 4224, pp. 904-911, Sep. 2006.
[full paper (30%; 170 / 557 submissions)]
4. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
Link-Based Clustering for Finding Subrelevant Web Pages.
in Proc. of the Third International Workshop on Web Document Analysis (WDA2005), Oct. 2005. (CD-ROM)
3. Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
Web Page Grouping Based on Parameterized Connectivity.
in Proc. of the Ninth International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications
(DASFAA 2004), LNCS 2973, pp.374-380, March 2004.
[short paper (29%; 60 full and 18 short papers / 272 submissions)]
2. Tomonari Masada, Hiroshi Imai, Keiko Imai.
Enumeration of Regular Triangulations.
in Proc. of the 12th annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, pp.224-233, May 1996.
1. Tsuyoshi Ono, Yoshiaki Kyoda, Tomonari Masada, Kazuyoshi Hayase, Tetsuo Shibuya, Motoki Nakade, Mary Inaba, Hiroshi Imai, Keiko Imai, David Avis.
A Package for Triangulations.
in Proc. of the 12th annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, pp.517-518, May 1996.
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Tomonari Masada.
Unsupervised Segmentation of Bibliographic Elements with Latent Permutations.
International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence (IJOCI), Vol.2, No.2, pp.49-62, 2011.
[an extended version of WISS 2010 paper]
Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
Accuracy of Document Classification with Dirichlet Mixtures.
IPSJ Transactions on Database, Vol.48, No.SIG11(TOD34), pp.14-26, June 2007. [in Japanese]
Hiromi Wakaki, Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
Topic-oriented Term Extraction and Term Clustering for Query Focusing.
IPSJ Transactions on Database, Vol.47, No.SIG19(TOD32), pp.72-85, Dec. 2006. [in Japanese]
Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
Improving Web Search Performance with Hyperlink Information.
IPSJ Transactions on Database, Vol.46, No.SIG8(TOD26), pp.48-59, June 2005. [in Japanese]
... 2005 IPSJ Best Paper Award (Ronbun Sho)
Tomonari Masada, Atsuhiro Takasu, Jun Adachi.
Decomposing the Web Graph into Parameterized Connected Components.
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E87-D, No.2, pp.380-388, Feb. 2004.
Hiroshi Imai, Tomonari Masada, Fumihiko Takeuchi, Keiko Imai.
Enumerating Triangulations in General Dimensions.
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications,
Vol.12, No.6, pp.455-480, Feb & Apr. 2002.
Additional Information
Japanese - Mother tongue
English - written/read/spoken: fluent
Korean - read: fluent, written/spoken: advanced
Mandarin - read: basic
French - read: basic
German - read: basic
I suffer from fear of flying.
Long flights should be split into flights of less than three hours.